Report On Session On School Bullying

Date:Jun 24, 2022

Date: 24TH June, 2022 | Day: Friday

Classes Involved: Grade 6 -10

A 30-minute session on School Bullying was conducted in relation to Ph.D. work of Miss Shruthi Suresh, for students of grades 6 to 10 at the MVJ International School, Bengaluru on 24th June 2022 (Friday). The session was conducted in two batches - for students of grades 6 and 7 (10:15 AM to 11:15 AM) and for students of grades 8 to 10 (11:30 AM to 12:30 PM). In both the sessions, the students were taken through an interactive presentation on bullying and were then invited to share their experiences of the same.

Once the students had settled down, the guest lecturer Miss Shruthi Suresh was introduced by senior staff Miss Pinky and invited her to start the session. Throughout the session, students enthusiastically participated by raising their hands and responding when called upon. They shared that behaviour such as ‘teasing’, ‘name-calling’, ‘ hurting others’, ‘making fun of others’, etc. would be bullying. The students also recognized that bullying could involve not just one or two students but a group of four to five members with each playing different roles of perpetrators, victims, and bystanders. Finally, they suggested simple and effective ways to combat bullying by creating rules, promoting awareness, standing up for each other, and encouraging students to be more sensitive to each other. After the presentation, students were invited to share their experiences related to bullying by responding to a survey form (Appendix). A total of 60 students indicated their interest to participate in the survey and were guided through the form. They were also informed about the parental consent link sent a week earlier to all parents whose permission would also be required before the student’s responses would be included in the survey research. In the end, student queries regarding the presentation and survey were also discussed and the session was closed.

Read the full report here